Hair Replacement Surgery Facts


Hair Replacement Surgery Facts

If you have been dealing with hair loss, and wondering is there any real way to fix it, there really is only one permanent solution to the problem: A hair transplant.

You may not know that hair transplants have come a long, long way in the last 10 years, and some of the recent hair transplant before and after pics will amaze you. After reading through many hair restoration websites over the last 12 months, I have seen what’s possible now with hair restoration surgery: Modern hair transplant results that look incredibly natural.

Hair Replacement Surgery Facts

You may be wondering how a hair transplant works. Basically, it’s a surgical procedure where the hair is taken from one place on the head and transplanted to another area on the scalp that has little or no hair. The hair that is moved is called hair grafts and in the old days the hair units large plugs containing 10 to 20 hairs per plug. This has changed, and now these grafts can be performed using one single hair at a time! The name for this more advanced surgery is called a follicular hair extraction transplant, or FUE hair transplant for short.

Hair transplantation really is surgery, and there is blood and some cutting involved (although this is very minor with FUE transplants). You should expect a recovery period, and it takes some time for the transplanted hair to grow where it has been transplanted.

You may be wondering how long a hair transplant takes. It depends on the person who received the surgery, how quickly they heal and how quickly their hair normally grows. Once hair is transplanted it will grow for a short while, fall out, and begin a normal growing cycle once again. Because it grows from underneath the skin, transplanted hair normally takes about three months or so to grow out.

You may be wondering what kind of results you can expect with a hair transplant. Your results depend on the amount of donor's hair available on your head left to transplant. It’s possible to estimate your amount of donor's hair by comparing your scalp to the Norwood scale of hair loss. A Norwood 1 means you’ve lost very little hair. A Norwood 7 means you’ve lost 80% to 90% of your hair and you don’t have much donor hair remaining. A qualified hair transplant surgeon is the best person to advise on your scalp and the Norwood scale.

Hair transplantation has gotten a bit more interesting over the past few years. In the past, people could only have hair from their head transplanted, but now body hair transplants are available. This means hair from your chest, back, legs and even your beard are available to be used in the hair transplantation process, giving you lots more donor hair to work with.

If you check out the other pages on this site you will find more information about FUE hair transplants and how much hair transplantation has progressed.